What the cave gave up.

Is this Bigfoot?

Nice green hands...

Every bag you see is now gone.

Nice and clean!

Valentine's Day Massacre...
Dumby has been given a make-over and is now the pretty Valentine (if still a little messily made-up). 15 love-lorn climbers turned up and hoovered the place of its ned-ejecta, filling about 40 bags in three hours of work. The most common culprit was the beer can, the cider bottle and the poly bag, but we did find an abandoned but usable boulder-mat as booty. Seeing the place free of the eyesore of glass and can and plastic makes a real difference to your Dumby psyche... on a dry sunny day it will seem a much greener place. Thanks to all who turned up on a rather discouraging and dreich day - you can take pride in a resurrected little corner of paradise! We will keep on top of the litter this year and have another session end of the season...